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10-50PCS Silicone Gel Shoes Stickers Pain Relief Patch Liner High Heel Sticker Feet Care Adhesive Hydrocolloid Pads Cushions

10-50PCS Silicone Gel Shoes Stickers Pain Relief Patch Liner High Heel Sticker Feet Care Adhesive Hydrocolloid Pads Cushions

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Regular price $45.04 CAD
Regular price $45.04 CAD Sale price $45.04 CAD
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Behold, the Wondrous Silicone Gel Shoes Stickers!

Oh fair ladies and gentlemen, doth thou suffer from the pains of high heels? Fear not, for we have the solution to thy woes. These silicone gel stickers, crafted with care in the land of Mainland China, shall provide thee with relief from the discomfort of thy footwear.

With a choice of 10 or 50 pieces, thou can adorn thy shoes with these miraculous patches. Made of hydrocolloid, they shall adhere to thy feet with gentle care, providing a cushion for thy soles. No longer shall thou suffer from blisters or calluses, for these stickers shall protect thee from such afflictions.

Do not hesitate, for these stickers are of the highest quality, chosen with great care in the province of Zhejiang. Semi-choice is also available, for those who wish to sample this wonder before committing to a larger quantity.

So come, dear customers, and experience the comfort and relief that these silicone gel shoes stickers have to offer. Thy feet shall thank thee, and thou shalt walk with ease and grace once more.

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